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BOOK: CYBERNETICS & HUMAN KNOWING - A Journal of Second-Order Cybernetics, Autopoiesis & Cyber-Semiotics
10, No. 3-4, 2003
CONTENTS (sumário)
The Oroborous and the Glass Bead Game
Soren Brier and Ranulph Glanville
Bernhard Poerksen: "At each and every moment, I can decide who I am"
Heinz von Foerster and Karl H. Müller: Action without Utility. An Immodest Proposal for the Cognitive Foundations of Behavior
Monika Bröcker: Between the lines - The part-of-the-world-position of Heinz von Foerster
Albert Müller: Heinz von Foerster's Archives
Louis H. Kauffman: Eigenforms - Objects as Tokens for Eigenbehaviors
Ranulph Glanville: Machines of Wonder and Elephants that Float through Air
Marcelo Pakman: Elements for a Foersteriam Poetics in Psychotherapeutic Practice
Frederick Steier and Jane Jorgenson: Ethics and Aesthetics of Observing Frames
Bernard Scott: "Heinz von Foerster - An Appreciation" (Revisited)
Gerard de Zeeuw: Discovering Social Knowledge
Stuart Umpleby: Heinz von Foerster and the Mansfield Amendment
ASC Pages
Pille Bunnell: Reflections on the Phrase "Standing on the Shoulders of Giants"
Ranulph Glanville: A (Cybernetic) Musing - In Praise of Buffers
Book Reviews
by Ole Thyssen and Ranulph Glanville
Personal Tributes
by Frank Galuszka (p. 189), Klaus Krippendorff (p. 195), Cornelia Bessie (p. 197), Tom von Foerster (p.202) and Andy von Foerster (p. 204)
The artists are Frank Galuszka and Christina Waters, the poet is Bill Schiffer
LIVRO: "CYBERNETICS & HUMAN KNOWING - A Journal of Second-Order Cybernetics, Autopoiesis & Cyber-Semiotics"
Cybernetics and Human Knowing is a quartely international multi- and transdisciplinary journal focusing on second-order cybernetics and cybersemiotic approaches.The journal is devoted to the new understandings of the self-organizing processes of information in human knowing that have arisen through the cybernetics of cybernetics, or second order cybernetics its relation and relevance to other interdisciplinary approaches such as C. S. Peirce's semiotics. This new development within the area of knowledge-directed processes is a non-disciplinary approach. Through the concept of self-reference it explores: cognition, communication and languaging in all of its manifestations; our understanding of organization and information in human, artificial and natural systems; and our understanding of understanding within the natural and social sciences, humanities, information and library science, and in social practices like design, education, organization, teaching, therapy, art, management and politics.Because of the interdisciplinary character articles are written in such a way that peolple from other domains can understand them. Articles from practitioners will be accepted in a special section. All articles are peer-reviewed.*
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LIVRO: "CYBERNETICS & HUMAN KNOWING - A Journal of Second-Order Cybernetics, Autopoiesis & Cyber-Semiotics"*EDITORIAL BOARDPeter Bogh Andersen
Evelyne Andreewsky
Mary Catherine Bateson
Dirk Baecker
Pille Bunell
Rafael Capurro
Marcel Danesi
Terrence Deacon
Ranulph Granville
Ernst von Glasersfeld
Jesper HoffmeyerLouis Kauffman
Klaus Keippendorff
George E. Lasker
Ervin Laszio
Humberto MaturanaJohn Mingers
Edgar MorinWinfried NöthRoland Posner
Lars Qvortrup
Kjell Samuelson
Bernard Scott
Fred Steier
Robert Vallée