DE: Lígia Campos de Cerqueira Lana (blog)
REVISTA: Em Questão (UFRGS), Porto Alegre (RS), v. 14, n. 2, p. 235-245, jul./dez. 2008
Searching for propositions for the definition about the concept of communication, this article
presents the review of two works by Gregory Bateson: Communication, the social matrix of psychiatry, of 1965, co-writen with Jurgen Ruesch, and Communication (1971), opening chapter of the collective work The Natural History of an Interview. According to Yves Winkin, the Bateson's work is situated in the orchestral model of communication, that states the circularity and complexity of the communicative processes. Gregory Bateson, with his interdisciplinary background, brings important contributions to the knowledge of the interactive character of communication, as well as the definition of its status as a fundamental discipline for the comprehension of social life.
Gregory Bateson. Communicative process. Interaction."
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